

Auction #290380

FARM & ANTIQUE AUCTION Farm Equipment ♦ Lawn & Garden ♦ Mini Van ♦ Antiques ♦ Household Friday, February 21 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

Start Fri, Feb 21st 10:00 AM US/Eastern


Farm Equipment ♦ Lawn & Garden ♦ Mini Van ♦ Antiques ♦ Household

Friday, February 21 @ 10:00 AM (EST)


Farm Equipment ♦ Lawn & Garden ♦ Mini Van ♦ Antiques ♦ Household
Friday, February 21 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

Farm Equipment: Kubota MX5100 diesel 4-wheel drive tractor w/LA844 loader, good tires, & only 356 hrs; Vintage JD 15’ manure spreader; JD Gator TS gas w/hydraulic dump bed, good tires w/1111 hrs; Woods RD990 8’ finish mower; 2-bottom plow; King Kutter 5’ disk; (2) Tarter hay feeders; homemade wood grooming chute; (2) plastic feed storage boxes on stands; water tanks; feeders; fencing & posts; barbed wire; fans; sprayers; & more.
Vehicle: Older Dodge mini van.
Passenger Transporters: (2) 18’ x 8’ pull-type passenger transport wagons w/canopy tops & a 10’ horse-drawn passenger transport wagon w/canopy top.
Lawn & Garden: Kubota ZD 326H 72” commercial diesel zero-turn mower w/hydraulic deck & 853 hrs; Exmark Radius 60” gas zero-turn mower w/only 249 hrs; Stihl straight shaft string trimmer; JD 20-gal sprayer; Mac chainsaw; Homelite chainsaw; several push mowers; Craftsman seeder; lawn roller; Poulan string trimmers w/attachments; lawn cart; Mantis tillers; post pullers; aluminum ramps; power washer; several fuel cans; wheelbarrow; hose reel; chemicals & other related items.
Antiques: James Madison & James Monroe signed land grants; Sterling silver spoons; coin silver spoons to include (2) signed “W.T. Stark Xenia, Ohio;” 1929 artist-signed Rookwood vase; (2) Weller vases; Indian artifacts; die-cut Halloween decoration in box; 1908 Xenia, OH, football team photo; mid-century Forestville sunburst clock; tins; good selection costume jewelry w/some gold & silver; marbles; skater’s lantern; folk art horseshoe tree; blue & white coverlet; copper kettle; large glass water bottle; floor model radio; country store lamp; red John Deere oil can; old windows; kerosene lamps; mounted bass & pheasant; mahogany-cased phonograph; buggy seat; wood wheelbarrow; gas light fixtures; vintage board games; china sets & glassware; graniteware; (2) pickle castors; P. Buckley Moss prints; Ducks Unlimited prints’ & a good selection of other related items.
Antique Furniture: Mahogany inlaid three-door bookcase; oak three-door bookcase; marble pedestal; curly maple 6-drawer chest; (3) oak library tables; walnut bed; mid-century dining room suite; walnut washstand; walnut server; walnut marble-top washstand; early cherry stand; carved walnut sofa table; walnut extension table; walnut parlor stand; Victorian chairs; oak lowboy w/mirror; mahogany 2-drawer sewing stand; pressed back rocker & other rockers; oak dresser; oak-cased sewing machine; pine bench; mid-century tables; mirrors; pine corner cupboard; & more.
Modern Furniture: Brown leather loveseat & recliner chair; white-washed dining room table w/(6) chairs; (8) Nichols & Stone Windsor chairs; Amish-made pedestal table; maple table w/(6) chairs; cherry king-size 6-pc bedroom suite; (2) bakers’ racks; (2) oak cabinets; painted bookcases; small tables; & a good selection of other related items.
Household Goods: Crosley upright freezer; (2) fireproof file cabinets; pellet smoker; Weber gas grill; several TVs; arts & crafts lamps; Canon digital camera; (2) portable & (1) window AC units; heaters; fans; office supplies; fishing items; hand tools; tarps; sweepers; folding tables; air compressors; pet grooming table; 20 gallons Thompson’s deck sealer; ladders; cookbooks; pillows; bedding; knife set; household decorations; holiday decorations; kitchen items; & a good selection of other related items.



Cedar Land Event Center: 200 Parkview Lane, Cedarville, OH 45314
From the middle of Cedarville (US 42 & SR 72), take N Main St south to east on Parkview


Thursday, February 20, from 10AM – 3PM &
Friday (Auction Day) from 8AM – 10AM