Join us for this good auction featuring a Cub Lo-Boy, 2002 Chevy Blazer, antiques, vintage baseball cards, stamps, household goods, generator, tools, & vintage appliances.
updated 4/30/2015 @ 12:03 pm
Cub Low Boy ♦ 2002 Chevy Blazer ♦ Antiques ♦ Vintage Baseball Cards ♦ Household Goods ♦ Tools ♦ Vintage Appliances
Friday ♦ May 1, 2015 ♦ 10:00 AM
Auction Location: Greene County Fairgrounds, 120 Fairground Rd., Xenia, OH. From the center of Xenia, follow N. Detroit Street (US 68) N to left (W) on W. Ankeney Mill Rd. This becomes Fairground Rd at the corporation line.
Auctioneer’s Note: Join us for this super auction from several local families. This listing is just a sample of the great items you will find. Check our website regularly for updates and more photos. Come for the day and bring a friend. Doors open for preview Thursday, 10:00-3:00 and Friday at 8:00 AM.
Tractor: IH Cub Low Boy w/belly mower & bucket; 5’ blade; Toro Wheel Horse riding mower; Honda self-propelled push mower; lawn & garden tools; lawn cart; power rake; & other related items.
Vehicle: 2002 Chevrolet Blazer w/108,479 miles & 4-wheel drive. (runs but needs work); 1993 BMW 325I.
Antiques: Oak 2-door bookcase; oak 4-stack bookcase; oak hi-boy; oak library table; oak curved glass china cabinet; primitive storage cupboard; Depression-era china cabinet; oriental drop leaf table; mahogany rocker; painted dresser & highchair; cedar chest; oak chest; 1950s table w/(4) chairs; Sleigh 3-piece Danish bedroom suite; Fabri-Coate table w/(2) benches & (2) swivel chairs; cast iron patio furniture; Conard Lines poster in original frame; (2) vintage WWII photos; several movie posters; circus collectibles; pocket watch; early etching; Sterling silver scrap; jewelry; furs; blue & white stoneware pitcher; quilts; Sellars sugar jar; stoneware bowl; string holders; egg scale; advertising items; milk bottles & carriers; graniteware; early Girl Scout & Naval uniforms; Ingraham mantle clock; toy wood barn; camera equipment; cast iron floor lamp; (2) retro floor lamps; 45 rpm records; military knife; galvanized watering cans; bookends; Roy Rogers book bag; vintage toys & action figures; vintage models; Coca-Cola collectibles; spice set; vintage holiday collectibles; books; RCA Nipper; barber bottle; apothecary jar; Fenton; pattern glass; Fostoria; Depression glass; covered compote; & much more.
Stamps: Large selection US & foreign stamp albums; Scott books; misc loose stamps; postcards; postmarks; & more.
Baseball Cards: Large album of vintage cards (c. 1960s & later); Ted Williams & other autographs; large number of newer cards; Cincinnati Redlegs pennant; good selection bobble heads; (2) autographed Woody Hayes books; vintage books & newspapers; & much more.
Tools: Good selection vintage like-new power tools; hand tools; bench vise; chainsaws; ladders; Rigid pipe threader; Rigid drain snake; air compressor; 3000 watt generator; & other related items.
Household Goods: (2) Frigidaire refrigerators; Maytag washer & dryer; Willet maple drop front desk; maple hutch; reclining sofa; (2) La-Z-Boy recliners; (2) maple beds; Twin bed; box spring & mattress; office desk & chairs; everyday glassware & china; countertop appliances; (3) small floor safes; Nikon digital camera; holiday decorations; good selection paintings & prints; mirrors; metal shelving & storage cupboards; office supplies; Panasonic TV; dehumidifier; sewing machine; camping supplies; maple end table; rattan patio furniture; file cabinets; books; golf clubs; DVDs; linens; & much more.
Vintage Appliances: General Chef combination refrigerator & stove; Micra-Cold freezer; Sunray gas stove; & Westinghouse washer & dryer - all out of a 1950s-era Springfield home with heavy Danish modern & Arts & Crafts influence, which will be sold late May 2015.
Terms: Cash, checks or MC/VISA w/positive ID. 3% convenience fee on credit card purchases. Sales tax. Lunch.
Bidding Dates
May '15
10:00 AM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)