John Deere Tractor ♦ Zero Turn Mower ♦ Antiques ♦ Tools ♦ Household Goods
Tractor & livestock Trailer: John Deere 855 diesel tractor w/70 A loader & 2456 Hrs; 5’ finish mower & Sooner 19’ dual axle bumper hitch stock trailer.
Lawn & Garden: John Deere E140 48” lawn mower w/45.7 Hrs; Husqvarna
Z254 54 “ zero turn mower w/350 Hrs; Huskee riding mower; John Deere 8Y lawn cart; Agri-Fag lawn cart; Stihl & Craftsman chain saws; string trimmers; Craftsman cultivator; Troy Bilt chipper; Mo Jack lawn mower jack; cement mixer; 40 volt skill blower & hedge trimmer; Oregon battery powered pole saw; wheel barrows; good selection of lawn & garden tools; pressure washer & other related items.
Tools: Dewalt compound miter saw w/stand; portable Dewalt table saw; Arc welder on trailer; Delta scroll saw; Craftsman 12” band saw; Delta 12” planner; Delta floor model drill press; hand & power tools; clamps; (2) Homack tool boxes; air compressors; Lincoln electric welder; large Lincoln SA200 ; bench vises; Fischer anvil; chain; work benches; shop vac; ladders & a good selection of other related items.
Antiques: Oak fifth leg dry sink; early walnut corner cabinet (rough); walnut Victorian marble top washstand; early dovetailed cradle; early pine dovetailed lap desk; spinning wheel & yarn winder; (2) Hi-Back piano stools; large butcher block; oak table w/several boards; oak washstand; trunks; ice cream chairs; oak secretary; oak cased treadle sewing machine; wicker; oak serving cart; several multi drawer wood cabinets; large copper kettle w/stand; guns; jewelry; cast iron kettles; cast iron skillets; large amount of advertising tins; carrier in blue; butter churns; mixers; stoneware; kerosene lamps; advertiser boxes; (3) wood barrels; Stanley #87 bone folding rule; antique tools; stereoviewer w/cards; scales; firkin; cast iron pumps; Barr’s Durocs sign’s; triple decker mantle clock; Weinhard’s neon sign; large amount of hand painted glassware & china; pottery; Pyrex nesting bowls & much more.
Collectibles: Several thousand pig collectibles; several eagle collectibles; Coca Cola items; country figurines; dolls; collector plates; cookie jars; Longaberger baskets & much more.
Household Goods: Samsung stainless steel refrigerator; Maytag washer & dryer; Frigidaire freezer; oak bedroom furniture; leather loveseat; couch & matching loveseat; recliners; coffee & end tables; jewelry chest; (6) oak hoop back chairs; (2) cedar chest; curio cabinets; wrought iron patio furniture; Char-Broil stainless grill; concrete patio set; oak desk; roll top desk; (3) bar stools; large amount of kitchen items; linens; lamps; sweepers; heaters; AC units; holiday decorations; lawn ornaments; fire pit; benches & a large amount of other related items.
Terms: Cash, checks or MC/VISA w/positive ID. 4% convenience fee on credit card purchases. Lunch.